Julie Whitney

[email protected]

        I have been a part of this swimming club for the past five years, and it holds a special place in my heart. From the swimmers to the coaches and parents, I value every aspect of this club. Starting as a piranha and working my way up, this club has taught me valuable lessons in responsibility, punctuality, and mental strength. I take on the role of a team leader, setting examples for others. The importance of showing up to practice on time has become ingrained in me, and this habit has translated into various areas of my life, including school, practice, and meetings. Throughout the years, I have experienced both victories and defeats, and being a part of this club has taught me how to handle both with resilience and perseverance. I have also learned not to give up or quit when faced with challenges. The support and encouragement I got from my teammates pushed me even further. 
        Currently, I hold the position of LAMVAC's Athlete Representative and serve as the appointed secretary of Pacific Swimming. Initially, my motivation to become an Athlete Rep was out of a sense of obligation. However, as time went on, I realized the potential to create real change and improve things for the team, athletes, and coaches. LAMVAC has provided me with opportunities to connect with people I wouldn't have otherwise interacted with and strive to make a difference as the secretary. However, I couldn't have achieved these positions without the support of my team. The benefits I have received from the team have inspired me to take on leadership roles and ensure that our younger swimmers also enjoy the same advantages. My aim is not only to benefit the team but to contribute to the overall well-being of everyone involved. This desire motivated me to pursue a position where I could have a greater influence on implementing inclusivity and addressing athlete concerns, ultimately leading me to become the secretary of Pacific Swimming. I am thrilled to have achieved this position and look forward to making positive changes for the betterment of athletes.
       Before completing high school, my goal is to inspire those who look up to me and encourage everyone to work together to build a stronger team. I want to ensure that the light I found early on from those who guided me continues to shine through to others. When the time comes for me to leave, I hope to pass on my role onto someone who can continue making changes and striving for new heights.

-- Julie Whitney