Suspending, Canceling and Reactivation


Suspending membership
Canceling membership
Returning to the team


Suspending membership

If you know that your swimmer will take off a full month or more, you must give the team written notice by emailing [email protected].

Advance notice

You MUST give notice by the 15th of the month before your swimmer's membership suspension begins. If notice is received after the 15th, the club reserves the right to charge the full month's fee.

For example, if the first full month in which your child will NOT swim will be June, let the team know by May 15. This will avoid the team charging you for the month of June.

Team obligations

While your swimmer is on a Leave of Absence/Suspension, you still must fulfill your service and fundraising obligations. Los Altos Mountain View Aquatic Club will handle these obligations in this way:

  • The team will charge you for uncompleted hours on Aug. 31, per the club service-hour protocol. To complete service hours at meets and team events while your child's membership is suspended, please check for postings from the volunteer coordinator. The team always needs volunteers at the LAMVAC-hosted March and May meets. Each family is required to have 20 service hours per swim season.  In the event that LAMVAC will only host one swim meet instead of two, minimum service hours will only be 15 for the swim season.
  • Your family is also still responsible for the annual fundraising commitment of $150, even if your child's membership is suspended during the team's annual Swimathon. Your child may swim during this event, even if membership is suspended at the time. (The Swimathon is the team's only organized fundraising event.) You will be billed Aug 1 for any unfulfilled fundraising obligation.

LAMVAC email You will not receive any team-generated emails while your account is suspended.

Suspension fee

A $35 suspension fee will be applied to your account each month while your swimmer is on suspension.

Resuming membership

Please email [email protected] to resume your swimmer's membership.  Please note the first day of returning to the pool.


The team bills for the complete month in which your child starts swimming. If your child begins on Feb. 7, for example, the team will charge you for all of February.


Canceling membership

Please email [email protected] to cancel your swimmer’s membership.  You MUST notify the club by the 15th of the month prior to the start of cancellation, or you may be subject to the full month’s tuition.

Please note that the team does not bill for partial months or quarters of swimming. For example, If your child’s last day is Oct. 8 and you are on the monthly billing schedule, the team will bill you for the entire month of October on Oct. 1. If your child's last day is Oct. 8 and you  are on a quarterly billing schedule, the team will bill you for the entire Sept. 1-Nov. 30 quarter.


LAMVAC does not refund or prorate fees already charged.
When you cancel your membership, the team will bill you for any family service hours not yet completed for the current swim year (Sept. 1 through Aug. 31).

There is no prorating of the service hours obligation unless the team only host one swim meet instead of two.  If the team only host one swim meet for the swim season, the minimum service hours requirement will be reduced from 20 to 15 hours.  You will be billed $25 for each service hour your family has not completed.

If you would like to complete some of these service hours at one of the team’s upcoming swim meets in the current swim year (March and May), rather than paying for them, you would need to suspend your membership as long as that takes and cancel after you have completed your hours. See the information on suspension above for suspension process and fees.

Note that team-level families are also still responsible for the annual fundraising commitment of $150, even if your child’s membership is canceled before the team’s annual Swimathon. (The Swimathon is the team’s only organized fundraising event.)

Returning to the team

To resume swimming from a Leave of Absence/Suspension, please email [email protected].

If you are not sure if your swimmer is at the same team level as before, please visit the Tryouts page to read about tryouts and to set one up.  You will need to register your swimmer for the season.