Hospitality Coordinator

The Hospitality Coordinator will oversee food preparation and distribution to coaches, officials and volunteers during the meet. The job involves staying for the entire meet (6 a.m. to the last event of each day, both days), and overseeing all Hospitality Volunteers. The job is worth 20 service hours, for a good reason!

Several weeks prior to the meet, the Hospitality Coordinator will do the following:

  1. Coordinate with the Treasurer, Service Coordinator and Meet Director about what food will be needed for the coaches' and officials' lunches.
  2. Determine lunch menu(s).
  3. Arrange for lunch materials (for sandwiches) to be purchased at Costco.
  4. Request the following donations and stress that the items must be brought in disposable containers and that serving containers will NOT be returned to members!
    Food Donation Signups
    Ground Coffee Homemade cookies
    Hot Cocoa Cheese Blocks
    Tea Fruit
    Half and Half Trail Mix
    Cup O' Noodles Pretzels
    Hard-Boiled Eggs Bottled Juice
    Muffins Bottled water
    Bagels Sodas, regular
    Cream Cheese Sodas, diet

  5. Get a head count of the coaches, officials and volunteers who are anticipated to need meals, considering the following facts. There are 20 to 30 coaches, 15 to 30 officials and 20 to 30 volunteers who stay all day. To feed them, you will serve between 60 and 90 meals per day. The actual number will depend on how many teams are invited, so you will need to ask the Meet Director for a head count. The lower number approximates the March Meet; the higher number, the May Meet. Keep track of what is received and how much is left at the end of the meet (if any) to help with future estimations!
  6. Do an inventory of the following list and determine what additional items will be needed:
    Non-Perishable Supplies
    Food service gloves Sugar/artificial sweeteners
    Paper Plates Stirrers
    Hot cups for coffee with lids Plastic wrap
    Plastic forks and spoons Napkins
    Coffee filters Paper Towels
    Tea Plastic Table clothes

  7. Make sure all expired items are discarded.